happy new year 2012

last year specially Japan had to suffer under 2 made by nature and 1 disaster made by people – called 311. but was this not a good chance to over-think our lifestyle, our connection to nature, a more sustainable society? should not also be the Gross National Happiness a measure for our success, as people in Bhutan do?
so after all, welcome to the year of the dragon! the dragon is full of energy, a good chance to use this power to restart a lot of things! also i was born in the year of the dragon, so this must be my year, right?! everybody around the world a happy and successful new year!
2012 new year’s day
とはいえ、2012年、辰年へようこそ!ドラゴンといえば、パワー・オブ・エナジー、「力」の象徴。再起動の力に満ち満ちる年です。アンドナウ、私は年男。辰年生まれなんです、今年はピーターのあたり年ですよ! 皆さんにとっても、素敵な2012年となりますように♪ 今年もよろしくお願い申し上げます。